38 South Snelling
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105

You always knew dogs are more than pets. They are. A Dog Named Leaf will validate what you suspected. There's a whole lot more going on...

Added by angelanimals on October 16, 2012



“When I rescued my companion dog Jethro, I realized this wonderful being also rescued me and taught me valuable life lessons. A troubled and scarred shelter dog and a former police officer face life and death challenges together making A Dog Named Leaf impossible to put down. Its unexpected twists and turns kept me pinned to the pages and cheering for Leaf and Allen to heal and succeed together. Read this most inspirational book and share it widely.”
--Marc Bekoff, author of The Emotional Lives of Animals, Wild Justice, and The Animal Manifesto


"A Dog Named Leaf is a very touching and well-written book that clearly comes from Allen Anderson’s heart. Although I am not a religious or spiritual person and couldn’t wrap my mind around some of the things that happened in Allen and Leaf’s story, the more I read, the more my skepticism melted. I am convinced of Leaf’s ability to sense what Allen needed. This book will make readers feel as if they know Leaf, and they’ll grow to love him too.”
--Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of 24 books, including When Elephants Weep, Dogs Never Lie about Love, and The Dog Who Couldn't Stop Loving


"Pulse-pounding brushes with danger, startling synchronicities, and insights on fulfilling one’s purpose in life offer hope and new perspectives. This is truly the most unusual dog book ever.”
--Dr. Marty Becker, Resident Veterinarian Good Morning America and The Dr. Oz Show; featured columnist vetstreet.com

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