8076 Mediterranean Drive, Suite 101
Estero, Florida 33928

If you have a desire to learn how to blog, build up your online presence for your business or your hobby this group is for you. We'll schedule a meet up soon ... after we get a few members so email your friends and let's get movin'.

Learn to blog, learn some SEO (search engine optimization) and learn to integrate social media platforms such as: Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Google.

Learn *how* to search the web - It's not *that* you ask the internet, it's *what* you ask the internet.

Parents, learn how to protect your children and teach them how to safely use the internet.

Are you a news hound? Learn how to subscribe to the best news blogs and favorite blogs.

Do you have a questionable reputation? How would you know? Learn how to protect your online reputation, you children's reputation or your business reputation. Learn how to police your own reputation.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Bonita-Springs-Estero-Blogging-Social-Media-Group/

Added by chrisgriffith67 on June 28, 2009