5 Armistead Pointe Parkway
Hampton, Virginia 23666

BNI is the largest networking organization in the world. The Executive Chapter meets every Tuesday in Hampton. We are called the Executive Chapter because when we started our group, we met at The Devonshire on Executive Dr. We have out grown that facility, and now meet at the Boo Williams Sportsplex at 5 Armistead Pointe Parkway in Hampton, Virginia. We have passed each other over 900 referrals in the last year alone.

The meeting will start promptly at 8:30 AM and run until 10:00 AM.

All guests and members will be given the opportunity the give a :60 sec "commercial" on their business and the type of referrals they are seeking.

One member each week will present a 10 minute talk on their business.

Bring at least 40 business cards with you for each meeting.

Come join us!

Added by Zachary Steinke on August 18, 2011

Interested 1