1000 L Street
Modesto, California 95354

Welcome to BNI Central Valley's SECOND Annual Business Development Conference! As in 2009 we will feature speakers who will provide you actionable ideas to market and grow YOUR business. It is also a great NETWORKING opportunity to strengthen your business relationships both in and out of BNI.

BNI Members $20 ($25 after October 1st)
Non-BNI Members $30 ($35 after October 1st)

8:30 - 9am. Open Networking.

9 - 9:45am. Your choice of:
1. Ray Hall - Building Referral Sources Through Developing Strategic Partners & Power Teams
2. John McCann - Business Planning 101: Laser Focus and Surgical Skills.
3. Lori Moore - The 60 Second Networker: 5 Tips to Promoting Your Business.

10 - 10:45am. Your choice of:
1. John Lisle - Social Media 101: Use it ... Or Lose Your Business!
2. Al Seaton - CPR: Checking the Pulse of your Referral
3. Carl Stange - Words are Power, Choose Wisely.

11 - 11:45am. Your choice of:
1. Debbie Ruiz - D.I.S.C. Personality Types: How to Use Them to create Stellar Relationships.
2. Naresh Patel - "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free":
Ethnicity and its role in California Business.
3. Craig Burr - Marketing Basics for Advanced Business.

A limited number of sponsorships ($250 each) are available to BNI Central Valley members. Please contact the BNI Central Valley office (916) 489-9302 ASAP if you are interested in sponsoring the event.

Official Website: http://bnicentralvalley.com/bizfest_modesto.pdf

Added by FullCalendar on September 29, 2010

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