4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Blurring Lines, an exhibit of recent works at Wade Wilson Art by gallery artists Lucinda Cobley, Danielle Frankenthal, Jill Moser, Joan Winter and introducing special guest artist Coco Blaffer, is curated by Wade Wilson. The exhibit is on view until July 2, 2011 during gallery hours Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wade Wilson Art is located at 4411 Montrose Blvd., Suite 200, Houston, Texas, 77006.

The title of this exhibit, Blurring Lines, captures the spirited vision of five artists who launch the works selected for this exhibit from a similar starting point by employing lines in their aesthetic expressions. Each artist, however, then transforms the notion of a line into her own individual expression resulting in five very different sensibilities.

Each artist, as she translates her notion of “line” into her own vocabulary, then unites that version of the line into her work and its materials giving life to her own interpretation of “line” as the work takes flight toward completion.

The works of Cobley, Frankenthal and Moser are all now part of the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, among countless others. Joan Winter’s works hang in the collection of the Dallas Museum of Art. Coco Blaffer’s artistry has evolved over many years in the studio. This is her first exhibit at Wade Wilson Art.

Please visit www.wadewilsonart.com for more information.

Added by Juice Consulting on June 5, 2011