75 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts

In the great tradition started by Paull Young last month in New York City, Blogstring is organizing a similar Tweetup PubCrawl for the Hub's Twitter geeks and friends. Blame Youngie for forcing us to move it from St. Patrick's Day, but I am sure it will still be a blast, even without green beer!

When: Saturday, March 22, starting at 5:00 pm

Where: We will be starting at Hong Kong for Scorpion Bowls and $2 teriyaki, and then making our way through some to-be-determined watering holes in Faneuil Hall. Since we moved the event from St. Pat's day, perhaps the Irish pubs will actually have room for us to get a table!

Who: Any Boston Twitterers who can keep up! Paull set the standard with his East Village crawl in January, we're hoping to surpass the glory of that event and keep the Boston/New York rivalry alive and well.

Hotel and other helpful information to come, in the meantime just contact Sarah Wurrey ([email protected]) or Nathan Burke ([email protected]) for more information or with any questions.

Added by Sarah Wurrey on February 5, 2008


Paull Young

Young's in. Hopefully we can find some more "Truck Bombs".

Amanda Gravel

Obviously I will be attending. I live for this stuff.


While I completely resent the World Series reference :::silently gagging::: in your blog entry (Sarah Wurrey!), I will get over myself and enter the city limits of Boston on the one condition that there is mad fun to be had! :)

Looking forward to it creeps...


It. Will. Be. EPIC.

Sarah Wurrey

Okay, so while it would be disastrous to lose Youngie to his silly little rugby game, should we keep it St. Patty's day weekend? I think the green beer allure may trump the allure of Youngie. Hmmm....


I am nothing short of excited. Last pub crawl I did was a historic-themed one in London two years ago. Can't. Wait.


All the details are up:


Looking forward to catching up with all of you in person again! @bmaleszyk



It's euil not eiul.