419 North Farifax
Los Angeles, California 90036

Several friends are in town for various media conferences this week (DigitalHollywood, Distributed Computing, etc.) and so let's meet, greet and eat. Are you interested in social media, video blogging, community media, open source, Creative Commons, WordPress or Drupal? Please join us for a late bite and some conversation. Meet others with similar interests. Suggested topic: open media and public, government and educational access.

Update: the good folks from blip.tv had the same idea and we are merging meetups!!! Content creators and open media geeks galore!

Added by apperceptions on October 19, 2008


Alicia Coral

I'll be there!


I look forward to catching up



EXTRA!!! update!

Dina Kaplan of the open media's beloved blip.tv was planning a similar event for content creators at the same venue and same night at 7:30pm. This is fate! :) So come on early!!!

irina slutsky

man i wanna be there so bad maybe i can convince new getv producer nick to drive there sunday lol


i hope you can make Irina!

MJ Loheed

I'll be a touch late but I'll be there.