3738 Lexington Rd
Louisville, Kentucky 40207

You are invited to bring your children – or yourself – to this special blessing for a peace-filled life offered by the visiting Tibetan Buddhist monks of India’s Drepung Gomang Monastery. Pictures with the monks will be available for a small donation to the monastery.
The monks will also be selling Tibetan shawls, malas, jewelry and crafts. This lovely opportunity turns your holiday shopping into a benefit for many. All donations and sales benefit the nearly 2000 monks living in the monastery with food, medical supplies and an education. The Drepung Gomang Institute of Louisville, the monastery’s sister organization, is hosting the visiting group.

For more information, please visit www.drepunggomang.com and www.gomang.org

Sales start at 10am-4pm

Official Website: http://www.rainbowblossom.com

Added by rainbow blossom on December 6, 2012

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