3131 Walnut St
Denver, Colorado 80205

Bitter:Sweet (Shana Halligan and Kiran Shahani) deliver a sensual and playful concoction of lush grooves, lounge, and modern Electronic beats with their debut album, The Mating Game. On the album, Halligan's seductive vocals slide smoothly over the duo's exquisite production. Recently featured in The Devil Wears Prada soundtrack, in episodes of Entourage, Nip and Tuck and Grey's Anatomy, their music is making its mark in pop culture while staying true to the underground and remaining a critical favorite. This will be an amazing night of music with Bitter:Sweet. Promising to unveil some brand new material, this is one show not to be missed.

Official Website: http://www.bittersweetmusic.com

Added by SongAngel on July 10, 2007

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