320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Tired? Hot flashes? Low libido? Depressed? Could it be hormones?
Find out about your hormonal system with Lauren Driebe, RPh and Dr. Emily Davenport at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace, Tuesday, January 18 at 6pm. Learn about various conditions that can cause moodiness, fatigue and physical discomfort and how bio-identical hormones can help re-balance your body’s most delicate and interconnected systems. Get information on other conditions such as low thyroid and adrenal fatigue and associated systems.
Lauren Driebe is a registered pharmacist with Mortar and Pestle (a compounding pharmacy) and Emily Davenport, a local naturopath, specializing in endocrine and hormonal issues.

Added by priyadrews on January 5, 2011

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