20 Child Street
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

Get in the mood for the spring biking season! Ferris Wheels Bike Shop and Boston City Councilor Matt O’ Malley bring you bike movie nights at Agassiz Community Center. Fri., May 6: Breaking Away, starring Dennis Quaid and Dennis Christopher (1979). Four teenagers in Bloomington, Indiana, who have graduated from high school, are not sure what they want to do with their lives. One of the boys is obsessed with cycling and seeks to find himself through competitive cycling. Academy Award winner and fan favorite! PG. This event is FREE. Popcorn and soda available. For information, contact Ferris Wheels Bike Shop, 66 South Street, 617-524-BIKE, or Councilor O’ Malley’s office, 617-635-4220.

Added by Ferris Wheels Bike Shop on April 14, 2011