509 Cardenas SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108

On Friday November 17, join us for an amazing evening - our first ever Bike-A-Palooza fundraiser and membership drive. For only $20, you can get a year's membership to BikeABQ and admission to Bike-A-Palooza!

The event will feature food, live music, dancing, a bike art-and-film festival, and a keynote speech from David Snyder, founder of Bicycle Coalition of San Francisco!

Head to http://www.bikeabq.org for more info and an RSVP form!
Download the flyer at http://bikeabq.org/main/BikeAPalooza.pdf

Official Website: http://www.bikeabq.org

Added by bikeabq on November 6, 2006

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