1110 Barton Springs Road
Austin, Texas 78704

Big Chief, You Da Prettiest!
He Knocks 'em Dead with Needle and Thread

July 2-27

A two person exhibition featuring the photography of Gene Vandiver and video work by Donna Pardue. A look at the elusive Mardi Gras Indians of New Orleans who are national treasures of outsider art. The gangs of Big Chiefs, Flag Boys, Spy Boys, Wild Men and Queens sew until their fingers bleed. They make dazzling suits of feathers and beads that will only be worn three times and have showdowns in the street to see who is the prettiest.

Thursday, July 2, 6-8pm

Official Website: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/dougherty/gallery.htm

Added by salvo cheque on June 18, 2009

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