Big Band Swing Ball 9:10pm to 2am featuring the swinging 18 member GTA Swing Band with voclist June Garber. Licensed bar, big sprung wood dance floor, charming old dance hall.
Beginners dance lessons 3pm to 5pm, and 7pm to 9pm:
Beginner Waltz lesson 3pm to 5pm.
Beginner Peabody lesson 7pm to 8pm (a fast dance very popular in the 1920s and Swing Era with a growing and enthusiastic following today)
Beginner Lindy Hop lesson 8pm to 9pm taught by internationally known swing dance champion Caitlin George (Lindy Hop is the joyful swing dance of the Swing Era and the most popular swing dance in the world)
$16 for the Ball, $20 with both the evening dance lessons, $15 extra with Waltz lesson. See website for full details.
Official Website
Official Website:
Added by saira on April 5, 2006