16628 Keith Harrow,
Houston, Texas 77084

Swami Mukundananda, a renowned saint from India, will take Meditation and Yoga sessions and talk on Bhagavad Geeta for Everyday Living.

Free admission. Register online at http://www.jkyog.org/2012-events/houston-tx

Later in August, Swamiji will conduct another Meditation-Yoga session with Discourses in Houston. Details of that event, http://www.jkyog.org/2012-events/houston-2

Swami ji teaches a holistic yogic life-style, "YBMS--Yoga for the Body, Mind, and Soul." He is the founder of a 501(c)(3)organization, established to serve humankind with the true knowledge of Yoga, and thus help attain physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Official Website: http://www.jkyog.org/2012-events/houston-tx

Added by SoulCall on July 15, 2012

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