Suite 82 - 601 West Cordova Street
Vancouver, British Columbia v6b 1g1

If you are an eBay seller who wants to take your eBay sales to the next level, "Beyond the Basics" is the course for you. In this class you will learn to:

* Start and/or grow a business on eBay
* Use eBay listing tools to save time
* Market your eBay business to increase sales
* Open an eBay store
* Complete market research and sales analysis

Participants need to complete "The Basics of Selling on eBay" as a prerequisite or have a minimum eBay feedback score of 25 (and have sold at least 10 items on eBay). Included is the new Beyond the Basics eBay workbook (value $20).

This seminar is hosted at Small Business BC in Vancouver and delivered to other locations via live video conference.

Official Website:

Added by Chet Woodside on February 16, 2009

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