401 N Myers St
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202

As an artist, Romare Bearden was able to master his craft in a singular and virtuosic fashion while --from his roots in African American life -- he explored the intimate details of his culture and the grand, enduring themes and interests of the larger art world. Bearden's influence was wide and this exhibition presents artists who succeeded him, or those who were his contemporaries, whose creative expression was inspired by Bearden or whose use of collage was affected by his work. Painters, sculptors, printmakers and mixed-media artists represented in the exhibition include Betye Saar, Camille Billops, Brett Cook, Louis Delsarte, Howardina Pindell, Wadsworth Jarrell, Kerry James Marshall, Nelson Stevens, Maya Freelon Asante, and Nigerian artist Moyo Okediji.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 1, 2011