674 S. Orcas St
Seattle, Washington 98108

The staff of the School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts (SANCA) invite you to join us for a look at city love in our annual summer show, Between Raindrops: A Seattle Love Story.

With gray skies and drizzling rain, where is love to be found in Seattle? The acrobatic vignettes of Between Raindrops will explore the depths of affection in our city, from the euphoria of rare sunny days to socially awkward first encounters, from blind dates over steaming cups of coffee, to secret crushes and broken hearts. This is a story of people trying to find a connection in the Emerald City.

This exciting collaboration showcases an amazing variety of traditional and modern circus arts, including umbrella acrobatics, tight-wire walking, unicycle, Russian Bar, juggling, Chinese pole, hand balancing, aerial acts, and more.

Added by Sanca Seattle on July 5, 2012