1755 B Bonanza Drive
Park City, Utah 84068

Between Moment and Memory:
New Paintings by Gregg Chadwick

At the Julie Nester Gallery
1755 B Bonanza Drive
Park City, Utah 84068

Reception for the Artist:
Friday, January 27th from 4:00 PM-7:00 PM
(During the Sundance Film Festival)

?A poet or a painter must commit to a life of deep attention and even reverence for the multitude of meaning around us. An artist friend of mine, Gregg Chadwick, calls this ?pulling the moment,? a way of looking deeper into experiences that inspire him.?
-Phil Cousineau, Once and Future Myths

Strike a hard rock edge with a piece of carbon steel and a spark will spread onto dry tinder and burst into flames. In the same way, when artistic cultures strike against each other, new fires can erupt. To build on these experiences, careful attention and reverence must be focused on the moment even as the world rushes by. One of my major goals as a painter is to hold onto the light in these moments with rich, fluid and layered applications of color.

The paintings that make up the exhibition, Between Moment and Memory, are sparked by the life of a son of a Marine Corps officer and the subsequent artistic pilgrimage that has led from New Jersey to Paris, Los Angeles, Venice, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo and Chiang Mai. My current artwork is a synthesis of these travels and experiences and seems to evoke dreams of the moments that sparked their inspiration. These new paintings ask the question: What is the place of beauty in the 21st Century?

Gallery hours:
10 am - 5 pm: Tuesday -Friday
11 am - 4 pm Saturday and Sunday

435 649 7855


Added by gregg chadwick on January 4, 2006

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