Come share your ideas for improving these important public spaces!
The Better Streets Plan will create a unified set of standards, guidelines, and implementation strategies to govern how the City designs, builds, and maintains public streets and rights-of-way.
The Better Streets Plan process brings together staff of multiple City agencies to comprehensively plan for streets. The Plan will seek to balance the needs of all street users, with a particular focus on the pedestrian environment and how streets can be used as public space. The Plan will reflect the understanding that the pedestrian environment is about much more than just transportation – that streets serve a multitude of social, recreational and ecological needs that must be considered when deciding on the most appropriate design.
The Better Streets Plan will consist of two primary elements: the Streetscape Master Plan (SMP), and the Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan (PMP). These two elements will consist of independent technical content; however, they will conduct joint outreach, and be combined into a single final plan.
Official Website:
Added by jamiewhitaker on March 30, 2007