1890 Huntington Drive
San Marino, California 91108

Did your mother ever tell you to stand up straight? Of course mothers don’t want any slouchers in their midst, but being the wise and superior beings there are, they also want you to be healthy, and good posture is an important part of one’s well-being according to BERNARDO PEREZ, D.C. Come to Crowell Library and learn what good posture looks like and what the effects of bad posture can do. Dr. Perez will discuss studies that have connected poor posture and poor health. He will demonstrate simple exercises that can help relieve aches and pains, reduce stress and fatigue, while increasing strength and balance. No expensive exercise equipment is required.
Bernardo Perez, D.C. is nationally board certified, California Board Certified and a member of the International Chiropractic Association. He has a private practice in the San Gabriel Valley and is currently in the master program in acupuncture at South Baylo University in Los Angeles. Dr. Perez was born and raised in southern California and lives in Arcadia. He is dedicated to helping people of all ages attain their optimal state of health and well being.

This program is free, but space is limited. Call (626) 300-0777 extension 579 to reserve your space.

This lecture is part of the ongoing MEDICAL MONDAYS @ Crowell Library, programs designed to help you stay healthy and active. Join us and learn about important health topics from the experts.

If you are humped over your computer while reading this, you may want to straighten up now…

Added by Crowell Library on December 8, 2010

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