300 E. Ohio Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611

WHO: Laura Day is an internationally known speaker, teacher and consultant. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller "Practical Intuition," as well as "The Circle: How the Power of a Single Wish Can Change Your Life" and "Welcome to your Crisis: How to Use the Power of Crisis to Create the Life you Want." She has been featured on many international media outlets including Oprah, The View, Good Morning America and in Newsweek. Laura Day’s self-help secrets have given Hollywood A-listers like Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Nicole Kidman the confidence to roll with life’s surprises and listen to their gut.Laura Day, Best Selling Author and Consultant to Hollywood's Most Powerful Stars and Fortune 500 Companies coming to NYC!
WHAT: Practical Intuition Boot Camp-In this workshop you will be learning to use your ability to receive and send information intuitively for yourself, your company and if you wish, as a professional skill. We will be spending a full day every day focusing on each individual intuitive skill for use in business, your own practice/career/life. You will need to be conversant in The Circle, Welcome to Your Crisis, and How to Rule the World from Your Couch. This workshop will serve as two days of the seven day requirement for advanced status (whereby Laura refers clients to qualified intuitives.)This is a very intensive training based on her book HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH so please come rested and prepared to work hard. You will not leave this day with your life unchanged.

WHY: Everyone has an inner voice…but we don’t always listen to it. Laura Day teaches you to use your intuition to predict problems, create your future instead of waiting for it and how to apply intuition to create the best outcome in your everyday life. She’ll show you how your gut instinct is always your best guide once you learn how to use it!


Official Website: http://www.howtoruletheworldfromyourcouch.com/?cat=19

Added by Jessie Schwartzburg Events and C on February 11, 2010