540 W. 21st Street between 10th & 11th Aves, NYC
New York City, New York

The Bent Festival is an annual celebration of the art of circuit bending. There are concerts, workshops, art installations, and a whole lot more. The 2007 festival will take place on three back-to-back weekends in April in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and New York City!

Official Website: http://www.bentfestival.org/

Added by steventhecat on January 16, 2007



the address listed is incorrect. its actually taking place at Eyebeam at 540 W 21st Street (near 11th ave). See you there!


terrible format. all interactive elements are off throughout the evening, so go by day if you want to check that out. between acts, someone decided to blast stale modest mouse and yeahyeahyeahs. this is between long experimental sessions of noise... content-wise, cute but nothing new


I was a bit frustrated too... but only because I didn't drag myself down there sooner. I should have spent three days there, but instead I went to just see music on Sat. night. Stupid, stupid man. Next year I'll dedicate more time for the daytime workshops and multiple nights of music.