724 South 12th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

From the event website:

WHO: Bemis Center Artists-in-Residence Janna Holmstedt, Jennilie Brewster and Markus Baenziger

All art, to an extent, involves some form of visual storytelling. Whether depicting imaginary landscapes or interpreting the influx of information, art can serve as a powerful tool for making sense of our environs and our experiences. During the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts’ First Thursday ArtTalk in May, Artists-in-Residence Janna Holmstedt, Jennilie Brewster and Markus Baenziger present works that demonstrate the different ways they each weave narratives into their own works, and how these narratives inform, enthrall and enlighten us. ArtTalk takes place on May 3 at 7:00 p.m., and as always is free and open to the public.

Official Website: http://www.bemiscenter.org/get_involved/index.html?req=calendar%2Fevent&eventUniqID=5865-0--&month=5&day=1&year=2007

Added by waiting_line on April 20, 2007