14155-F Sully Field Circle
Chantilly, Virginia

Learn to love your silk veil. Master of ethereal veil, Samira will guide you in how to float, twirl, fly and wrap your veil in a smooth, flowing and very graceful style. She will also breakdown spins, spotting and traveling techniques for veil. Bring your own silk rectangle or half circle veil.

With over 20 years teaching experience and as a full time dancer, Samira has a unique approach to teaching Egyptian style movements. Learn how to make your hips dance and move from a new perspective, practice some great drills and refine your moves for ultimate polish.

Workshop sponsored by Tiraz Dance Network.
See http://www.tiraz.org/workshop.html to register.

Silk veils will be available for purchase at the workshop.

Official Website: http://www.tiraz.org/workshop.html

Added by Ayperi Dances on February 11, 2011