1635 Park Ave.
SAN JOSE, California 95126

Join SF/BA MECDA for an exciting opportunity to learn from one of the
great masters of Raks Sharki, Morocco of New York.
February 9 & 10, 2008
Hoover Theater
1635 Park Ave.
San Jose, CA 95126

Three workshops
Choreography: Saturday Feb 9, 2008: 11:00am - 4:00pm $45
Master Class: Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008 10 am – 12:30 $50
Hafla: Sunday 12:30 - 8:00pm $20 includes Guedra workshop, Festival dancing, Vendors and Evening Showcase
More Info on our website www.sfbamecda.org
Bonus Package for Pre-Registration of both days
*Reduced price for MECDA members

Official Website: http://www.sfbamecda.org

Added by Zemira on January 13, 2008

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