3255 Empire Blvd SW,
Atlanta, Georgia 30354

On behalf of Behold the Light Ministries, I'm pleased to announce the launching of a new church plant initiative. Please join us in celebrating the ministry launch on March 20, 2009 @ 7:30pm. The ministry launching service will be held at Greater Israel Christian Fellowship in Atlanta, GA (Apostle Dr. W.M. Turner).During the past 17 years of ministry we have had the opportunity to serve many anointed and dedicated men and women of God. It has been our honor to serve local pastors,churches and the Body of Christ at large in various capacities... Now God has called forth the ministry that he's been processingand refining for such a time as this since 1994 and we are humbled that the Lord has commissioned us toserve in another phase of ministry.
Speaker: Apostle Paul Thornton (Kingdom Dominion International Church a.k.a. The Brook)
This will truly be an Apostolic and Prophetic Kingdom Celebration
God wants to shine His light on the darkness of your life and get you Empowered to reveal His Kingdom to the world.

Whether you are a laymen or a church/ministry leader darkness knows no race, status, ethnicity, gender,etc... Darkness is what it is... IT'S THE ABSENT OF LIGHT. It's time to exit the darkness and Enter the Light.When you are alone and feel abandoned by all... that's darkness; when you can't pay your bills and you are constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul, that's darkness; when you feel trapped and you are merely hanging on instead of living a conquering life, that's darkness; when you are living in bondage to drugs, alcohol, pornography, deception, lying, living of form of godliness but knowing within there's no power, that's darkness; when you have purposebut you can't give birth to your vision, that's darkness; when you what to forgive but the sting of the hurt is greater than thesubmission of your will, that's darkness; when your emotionsrenders you joyless and indifference to life, that's darkness; when you are living in sickness and you see no sign of relief, that's darkness... unmanageable stress, unable to make wise decisions, depression, roller coaster mindset, tormenting strongholds, unhealthy thoughts and habits... etc... Behold the Light is poised to confront the darkness of life with the Light of Jesus Christ. You are in need of Light!

The foundation for a successful life has already been laid, we want to assist you in finding your place so you can maximize your life.
For more information click here... (Launch video promo)


Again, join us for the launching of Behold the Light apostolic and prophetic commission. We look forward to a continual co-laboring in the future.
Please keep us in your prayers... We look forward to celebrating and worshiping the Lord on March 20, 2009.
Greater Israel Christian Fellowship in Atlanta... 3255 Empire Blvd. off Cleveland Ave... Turn right at the McDonald onto Old Hapeville which turns into Empire Blvd.
There will be a light foodfellowship following the service.Thank you in advance for celebrating with us...
Apostle Jerome and Prophetess Michelle CadeBehold the Light Christian Ministries678-768-5553 - 678-596-7518www.beholdthelight.com


Organized by Behold the Light Ministries
Behold the Light Christian Ministries
A untraditional church with an untraditional call seeking an untraditional people ready to experience an untraditional move of God.
Apotle Jerome and Prophetess Michelle Cade

Ticket Info:  Ministry Launch, Free

Official Website: http://btl2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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