1950 Virginia Avenue
Clearwater, Florida 33763

Beginning Digital Photography - Meets every Thursday at 6:00 PM —
To include 1 meeting per month with the North Pinellas Photo Forum
This beginner’s class offers the perfect introduction to digital photography. Students may use any digital camera. Topics include Exposure, Lighting, Flash Photography, Composition, camera controls, equipment, filters lenses, and use of digital cameras. Weekly assignments are given and images from the assignments will be critiqued. Emphasis is placed on learning your camera and taking better pictures. Optional fieldtrip is available last Sunday of the month. 3 Sessions at an amazing $20.00 Instructor: Jeff Donald
Please call (727) 736-1494 to register and for further info

Official Website: http://www.gmkjc.org

Added by Program Director on February 12, 2009

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