1021 NE 33rd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97232

"Beginner's Yoga Immersions"
January, 2009

What will you learn in a Beginner's Immersion?

Yoga poses: Learn forward, and backward bends; lateral stretches; twists; extensions.
Yogic breathing: Free your breath. Learn to use it for inner focus, and deep movement.
Alignment: Learn appropriate posture, and stay safe as you explore new movements.
Relaxation, reflection, meditation: featured throughout and at the end of every class.
Customized: Every immersion is uniquely adapted to students needs and goals.

Cost: $89.
Register: Call The Movement Center at 503-231-0994. Seniors (age 65 & better), and students (must show ID) at the participant level of membership receive a 25% discount.

4-Week Immersion
Saturdays, 9:00-11:15 AM
January 10-31, 2009

I encourage students to discover an inner sense of stillness and rest, and then maintain that awareness as they practice poses at a level suitable to their individual interests and capabilities. For me, a beautiful quality of yoga is the experience and exploration of opposites: stillness and movement, effort and release, taking in and letting go, focus and relaxation, stretching and softening, working and resting. When we explore these contrasting states fully, we find balance and an expanded appreciation of ourselves, our lives, and the people and world around us. Email Mira to learn more about her Beginner's Immersion.

6-Week Immersion
Mondays, 7:15-8:45 PM
January 12-February 16, 2009

Meet on six consecutive Mondays for a beginners program leaning to the gentler side of practice. Focusing on alignment basics, Molly carefully guides students to stretch and release with ease into each yoga pose.
With an emphasis on movement over holding, simple flow sequences, and a special chair Sun Salutations, this beginner series is a good choice for increasing mobility and flow. If you doubt you can do yoga, Molly will prove that you can! You can reach Molly by email if you have questions.

5-Day Immersion
Monday-Friday, 9:15-11:15 AM
January 19-23, 2009

This immersion involves the moderate level of physical effort required to learn and practice a Sun Salutations series, and beginning level yoga poses. If you think you might need a gentle approach, please email or call me at 503-231-0383, ext.15 to talk about how this immersion can be modified for your participation.
Each of our 5 days begins with quiet focus followed by a reading on yoga to invite your thoughts and questions. An asana practice (yoga poses) and breathing instruction (pranayama) follows. We'll spend some time every day learning to meditate. Expect to have fun practicing with a lot of other great people, and experience how yoga awakens your innate vitality and joy! Please contact me and share your personal goals for this immersion, and let me know about any aches and pains, or health issues you may be currently experiencing

Added by michlawni on January 12, 2009

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