Saturday (Mar 22nd) from noon until the ever popular question mark (or until they close and kick us out) we here at Metblogs are teaming up with the folks from Pownce and The Groop to throw a good old fashioned Farmers Market meetup like they used to do back in the good ‘ol days. Well maybe not exactly like the good ‘ol days, but at least the thought is there. There will be a yet undisclosed number of cupcakes being delivered right at noon thanks to Pownce followed by an also yet undisclosed number of pitchers of beer purchased by us and The Groop as well. You should come join us, it’ll be fun. I pormise. We’ll be grabbing table space on the south west corner (3rd & Fairfax) near Starbucks and Lotteria (same area previous meetups have been). We’ll have signs and stuff, and should be easy to find. See you then!
Official Website:
Added by seanbonner on March 20, 2008
yes, right in my hood. i'm in