Rt. 38 Buttonwood Ave
Maple Shade, New Jersey 08052

My Team and I will be walking in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3day this coming October, 2009. We need all the support and donations we can get to help make our goal come true. Here is our first big fundraiser of the year and you along with everyone you know are invited!!

We can do more to fight breast cancer and give all those who would otherwise die from the disease a fighting chance. We can make sure that breast cancer is detected early when it's easier to get rid of. We can do more to spread awareness. We can do more to fund research. We can do more to ensure that every woman and man has a chance at a full and complete life, free of breast cancer. If I have to endure a few blisters on my feet and tired legs all year long as I get in and stay in shape for October in Philadelphia, that is a very small price to pay because EVERYONE deserves a life time.

Mary's Angels is starting early this year!! We are hosting our very first Beef and Beer at HOOTERS!!! what better place to get the word out about boobies then Hooters!! This event is planned for April 25, 2009 from 3pm to 7pm. All tickets are being sold for $25.00 and they will also be available at the door. We are recomminding you buy them in advance so we have a head count!! Please contact any of Mary's Girls for more info and ticket sales!

There will be a buffet of Hooters food provided as well as your first drink for free!!

Raffles, Music, Fashion Show of donated bra's, Games, Magic and more!!!!!

** Donate an unwanted Bra for our fashion show- there will be a station to decorate your bra any way you want. There will be 5 winners in which Mary's Angels will wear your winning bra on Day 2 of the Breast Cancer 3day!**

Official Website: http://www.the3day.org/goto/3daywalkers

Added by alex3daywalker on March 25, 2009