4545 MacArthur Blvd.
Newport Beach, California 92660

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you enjoy helping people grow, spiritually, financially, professionally? Get paid to coach!

Become a Certified Life Coach Practitioner by attending our 2 day intensive training class where you will easily learn leading coaching tools and skills to ensure abundant success in this rewarding, expanding profession.

"The CCF training was awesome! I have learned how to take my skills to the next level. I have been looking for this kind of training for many years now. CCF has provided an excellent model, concise and precise to assess my skills and help me make the leap. I would recommend this training to everyone who cares about their direction and their progress in life." -- Alex Ureche, Program Manager, Computer Sciences Corporation

Official Website: http://www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com/summary.html

Added by CertifiedCoachesFed on April 14, 2007