1527 Champa St
Denver, Colorado 80202

Improv Your Tuesday!
Life is a game...Fight for survival! Like bloodthirsty gladiators, two valiant long form improv teams prepare for a smackdown every Tuesday night at the Bovine. The teams, armed with nothing but their spontaneity, dual for a chance to defend their title in the following week’s show. Who will emerge with the Battle Royale crown? Only you will decide. The Battle also hosts two house teams, alternating weekly, in a special exhibition round. The Bovine’s fearsome battle brings you everything but the explosions…unless you explode with laughter.

Grand Champions!
Teams that win six weeks in a row are anointed champion and awarded a run of shows at the theater. Nine teams have accomplished this so far including Mixed Nuts, Burt’s Maintenance, The 32nd Coming, The Generals, Inner Beauty, Lather, Rinse, Repeat, Bear Closet, Oklahoma Christian Summer Singers, and Left, Right, Tim.

Sign Up Now
Anyone can play! If you think your team is up for the challenge, enter three to eight sultans of silliness for an evening of raging improv action. Contact Brian McManus to enter the improdome: [email protected].
Every Tuesday, 7:30pm

Tickets: $5.00
Ages: All Ages
Location: Denver map

Tuesday, September 29th
at 7:30 PM
Tuesday, October 6th
at 7:30 PM
Tuesday, October 13th
at 7:30 PM

Official Website: http://www.bovinemetropolis.com

Added by agentk9000 on September 25, 2009

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