1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

This class will deal with the slower, but oh so good cooking methods like classic braising, stewing, and roasting. Learn how to braise vegetables and meats; use your Dutch oven or crock pot for braises and stews on those days you want a dinner you can forget about until you get home and smell the wonderful aromas.

Don’t want to wait? We’ll also discuss ways you can speed up the cooking process by using a Pressure Cooker. Finally, you’ll learn about roasting the perfect chicken and vegetables.

We also discuss proper temperatures of meats and they’re preparation. How to make perfect rice, every time. And, finally thickening sauces for gravies. This is the piece de resistance of any good cook! The basics classes are a minimum of 4 hours, so plan for afternoons or long evenings for this class.

•Delicious Tangy Braised Short Ribs

•The Most Perfect Whole Roasted Chicken with Fresh Herbs

•Tender and Juicy 30 Minute Beef Stew (in the pressure cooker)

•Rice preparation and Gravy Thickening with flour, cornstarch, etc.

Official Website: http://www.welldonecc.com

Added by guitchik2000 on September 21, 2009

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