1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

Do you want to know more about sautéing, poaching, steaming, blanching or just how to boil water for Spaghetti? Then this is the class for you! This class is the perfect starter for girlfriends, new wives to be, or the guy who wants to impress the ladies with his ability to whip up a quick meal! The basics classes are a minimum of 4 hours, so plan for afternoons or long evenings for this class.

You Will Learn:

•Learn how to stock your pantry and what to equipment to buy for
your kitchen

•Create new and exciting salads with homemade salad dressings

•Poach or steam chicken, fish, or steak

•Steaming and blanching vegetables

•How to sauté chicken, fish or steak

•Mother sauces of Mayonnaise (Aioli), Velouté (roux making), and a
simple homemade tomato sauce.\

Official Website: http://www.welldonecc.com

Added by guitchik2000 on September 21, 2009

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