4100 SW Freeway
Houston, Texas 77027

Do you want to know more about chopping, dicing, sautéing, grilling, poaching or just how to boil water? Do you just what to learn the quickest cooking methods? Then this is the class for you! Learn how to cut vegetables safely and which knives to use; how to make an easy Hollandaise sauce and create quick lunch omelets; how to create perfect salad dressings; poach or steam fish and steak; grill vegetables and meats; and how to sauté chicken and fish. This class is the perfect starter for girlfriends, new wives to be, or the guy who wants to impress the ladies with his ability to whip up a quick meal!

Please reserve your seat in this class by booking online through the link provided.

Added by Kathryn Herod on June 4, 2009