1345 Connecticut Ave
Washington, District of Columbia 20036

Join Barrelhouse, a Washington, DC-based literary journal that aims to bridge the gap between pop culture and serious art, as we launch our fourth print issue. For only $5 at the door, you can enjoy a program that includes selections from the issue, readings by Paul Maliszewski and Valzhyna Mort, and a performance by Edie Sedgewick. Issues 4 will also be sold at a discount!

More information can be found at www.barrelhousemag.com.

Readers and Performers

Paul Maliszewski’s Letters to the President have appeared in Fence, StoryQuarterly, Unsaid, and other magazines. His writing has also been published in Harper’s, The Paris Review, and the Pushcart Prize anthologies.

Valzhyna Mort was born in 1981 in Minsk. Her new book of poetry Factory of Tears will come out from Copper Canyon Press. In 2005 she received Gaude Polonia scholarship (Warsaw, Poland) and in 2006 - Literarisches Colloquium Berlin fellowship (Berlin, Germany). She lives in DC.

Edie Sedgwick is the transgendered reincarnation of a vacuous Warhol Superstar who died of a barbiturate overdose in 1971. Edie was reborn at the dawn of the New Millenium to save the world by singing about celebrities. Armed with a video projector and some bullshit IMovies, she travels the nightclubs of this land called America singing songs that honor the likes of Angelina Jolie, Robert Downey, Jr., and, of course, Martin Sheen.

Official Website: http://www.barrelhousemag.com

Added by Barrelhauser on May 1, 2007

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