6150 Sunbury Rd
Westerville, Ohio 43081

Join us for a fine evening of great food and unique beverages featuring beers, including Christmas Ale, from the Great Lakes Brewery in Cleveland. We’ll be serving up savory hors d' oeuvres and serving them with a variety of beers from Great Lakes Brewing Company. Your ticket to the event will include unlimited food and four 12 ounce beers.

Browse a broad array of exceptional items business and community members have donated for the Silent Auction. There will be something for everyone!

Bring your friends to Gordy's (upstairs) 6150 S Sunbury Road, Westerville, 43081, on Friday, November 11th, from 7 − 11 pm, and support all of the dogs and cats at CHA Animal Shelter that are looking for forever homes.

Official Website: http://barktober-fest.com

Added by sue27bee on September 28, 2011

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