Beijing city
Beijing, Beijing

Time: 2009/6/26-2009/8/23
Venue: National Aquatics Center
Price: 200/400/600

Performance Length: 75 minutes

Preferential ticket packages: RMB400 (200*3); RMB300 (200*2)

Childen under 1.2m are admitted for free.

Ticketing: (86-10) 6417 7845

The largest in-door lake in the world
The first original full-vision ballet in the world
The first ballet-sports version of Swan Lake in the world
The first show-brand in a large Olympic Venue

The Ballet Classic Shows A Fascinated Fairy Tale
As one of the most well-known masterwork of classical ballet, Swan Lake is the most stirring piece of ballet fairy tale with the fantastic feeling and dreamlike story.

After the premiere of the Petipa Ivanov version of Swan Lake in 1895, it became the repertoire of almost all the ballet troupes worldwide, and the most shining pearl in the ballet treasure palace. Nowadays, the 32 fouetté turns of the Black Swan is not only the most popular dance piece amongst all, but also a standard of all ballerinas whether they are qualified for Odile in Swan Lake.

Nearly all the audiences become so fascinated of the “Swan Lake” that it could be regarded as another name of “Ballet”. The music of Swan Lake is the first ballet music composed by Russian famous maestro Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in history, and the first Ballet music with orchestral structure. For the first time, a world first-class composer created a ballet music which could compare its beauty and share the same level with the music of opera and symphony.

A Legendary Prelude First Told on a Modern Full-vision Stage

The Ballet Swan Lake originates from an ancient Russian fairy tale. But none of the past versions of the famous ballet could present the most critical prelude episode on the stage due to the spatial limitation of the stage. The version of the ballet Swan Lake in Water Cube, for the first time completely presents the transformational process of the beautiful girl into a swan under the magical effects of the devil on the wonderland-like full vision stage.

Royal Swans Gracefully Landed in the Water Cube

Following the success of the concert titled Music Spectacular Water Cube staged in the National Aquatic Center, an Olympic venue, Beijing Artists Management corp. Ltd. & Beijing International Culture & Arts Corp. Ltd. now produced an originally created and heavily invested full-vision ballet classic Swan Lake. This version of the ballet breaks up the limit of the one-dimensional space of the conventional stage and magically created a fairyland surrounding the largest in-door lake thus giving the ballet classic a brand new full-vision performance space, making a contemporary wonder of the culture and entertainment!

The Imperial Russian Ballet will impress the audience with its superb dancing skills on this waterfront stage. The world-famous Russian water ballerina will appear in water as swans and the well-known Chinese diving athletes will act out the devil in the fairyland.

A stunning fairy-tale ballet with dreamy colors in the water-world of the Water Cube for everyone —— the full-featured and full-vision ballet Swan Lake!

Official Website:

Added by One Night in Beijing China on July 29, 2009