700 West Hamilton Ave
Campbell, California 95008

In this class you will learn to make fresh fruit tarts, rustic baked tarts, and banana cream pie with caramel and chocolate. You will be instructed in making classic tart dough, cream cheese pie dough, and a flakey all butter pie crust. Each person will complete three 4-inch pies of each flavor to take home as well as leave with any left over dough that you can freeze for later use. Chef Stephany is a Certified Master Baker and has worked in the baking industry for over 30 years. During this time she perfected the art of cake decorating, pastry baking, wedding cakes, and bread baking, and is currently a fulltime instructor at PCI. Bring a snack or bag lunch to balance out all of the good sweets you will be enjoying in class.

Official Website: http://www.professionalculinaryinstitute.com/hobby-cooking-classes.shtml

Added by The Professional Culinary Instit on February 16, 2010