For the past five years, various Korean American organizations in the Bay Area have put together a free wine tasting event at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco called BAKAs (Bay Area Korean Americans) Wine Tasting. We invite the greater Bay Area community to meet, network, and learn about various professional and civic Korean American and Asian American organizations.
This year's BAKAs wine tasting will be hosted by the Korean American Professional Society (KAPS), Korean American Bar Association (KABA), Korea Information Technology Network (KIN), Korean American Chambers of Commerce of the North Pacific Coast and Silicon Valley, respectively (KACC-NPC and KACC-SV) and Korean American Society of Entrepreneurs (KASE).
Last year's BAKAs Wine Tasting event was a great success with over 400 people and 15 organizations in attendance. We anticipate a turnout of 500 or more this year with even more Korean-American and Asian-American organizations involved. The various community organizations participate to help raise awareness for various causes and to foster involvement in the community through this event.
This year?s event will be held on Friday, September 18th at 6:30 pm. It will be free to paid members of the host organizations and $10 to the general public.
BAKAs is currently looking for corporate and personal sponsors, donations from wineries and wine distributors, and donations for raffle prizes. As a non-profit organization, all donations will be tax deductible.
This is a great event that promises to bring visibility and awareness to the diverse number of KA organizations in the Bay Area.
If you would like additional information, please contact Andrew Ko at [email protected] or 1-408-203-6507. Thank you.
Added by larster007 on September 17, 2009