55 Coogan Blvd
Mystic, Connecticut 06355

Do you know that infants and toddlers can communicate before they are ready or able to speak? Learn how to communicate with your little one during the upcoming Baby Sign Language Series class at Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration. Open to infants through children age 4 (with a caregiver), the class will be held on Friday, February 20 from 10 to 10:45 a.m.

Eileen Baker, M.E.D., will lead the class, which serves as a solid introduction to sign language for both young children and caregivers, as well as a way to reinforce sign language already being used in the home.

COST: Members - $15 for one caregiver and child, $5 for each additional adult and child; Non-members - $20 for one caregiver and child, $10 for additional adult, $5 for additional child. Registration is required. Visit www.mysticaquarium.org and click on “Fun and Learning, Early Childhood Progams” to register.

For more information, call Mary Beth Sweeney, director of early childhood and elementary programs, at (860) 572-5955, ext. 303.

Official Website: http://www.mysticaquarium.org

Added by BeckyG on January 28, 2009

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