1 University Heights
Asheville, North Carolina 28804

You don't want to miss this! All the way from San Diego, California, UNC Asheville's Club HOLA and College Democrats bring you the B Side Players http://bsideplayers.com/ . or http://www.myspace.com/bsideplayers Socially conscious music for everyone!

The festival starts at 12:00 with FREE Food, Music, Traditional Dances, Games, Yard Sale, Face Painting, Henna and much much more. B Side Players go on at 6:30! For the full schedule check the event's fb page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=143983330572&ref=ts

This is part of HOLA's Latin@ Scholarship Festival which is raising funds for local Latin@ students that would like to attend UNC Asheville. Please come and enjoy the love.

Added by HOLAUNCA on April 14, 2009

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