5750 West Glenn Drive
Glendale, Arizona 85301

AzBizGreen 2010 is committed to moving our community toward a more healthy and sustainable environment. The event is Free to attend in order to ensure maximum attendance and community coverage.

This year's event will be held at the beautiful Glendale Civic Center on October 7th, 2010 http://www.glendaleaz.com/civiccenter/

There is a planned Farmer's Market to be held during and after the conference. This auxiliary event is planned to connect the community to local farmers, to encourage them to buy locally in order to reduce carbon footprint, help the local economy and eat healthy foods.

In leading the way to a more sustainable environment, the goal is to bring an understanding of our environmental impact from an overall global perspective to a personal perspective. Our goal is to bring awareness to Businesses and to Individuals, and to provide information on how they can apply this knowledge to benefit the environment and also how it could potentially lower their overall bottom line.

There are opportunities to share your knowledge, sponsor, advertise, participate, provide give-aways, help spread the word, and to attend this event. If you would like to sponsor this event, please visit
http://azmbec.com/AzBizGreen_2010.html for information. The event brochure will be filled with useful reference information. Sponsorship will receive National coverage in the event brochure as well as local coverage and coverage at the event.

Official Website: http://azmbec.com/AzBizGreen_2010.html

Added by AzBizGreen 2010 on July 24, 2010


AzBizGreen 2010

Last year's event was very successful and this year's is shaping up to be even more exciting!

We have an excellent keynote speaker Chris Prelitz with New Leaf America. Other speakers include Lucas Mitchell with Aquent, Enamul Hoque with ASU, James Ball with Habitat for Humanity, Lon Taylor and Ethel Luzario with the 3000 Club, Doreen Pollack with Down 2 Earth Gardens, Jimmy Munoz Jr., Dr George Brooks Jr.

This conference will be fashioned not only toward sustainable business practices and incentives, but will also provide information for individuals, homeowners, schools, etc. The focus will be bringing sustainability for a larger global perspective to a personal perspective and show how you can participate.

AzBizGreen 2010

Facebook: AzBizGreen 2010
LinkedIn: AzBizGreen Sustainable Business Strategies
Twitter: AzBizGreen2010
website: http://azmbec.com/AzBizGreen_2010.html