1608 N Wells St
Chicago, Illinois 60614

Recapitulation gathers the brilliant, the bizarre, and the Botoxed of Hollywood for AWARD SHOW! THE IMPROVISED MUSICAL, a star-studded, extravagant night of award-winning musical improvisation, where the audience, not “The Academy,” chooses the winners. Using audience suggestion, Recapitulation dives behind the scenes of Hollywood ‘s most preposterous award show, The Capies, to reveal who’s a diva, who’s deranged, and the desperate thoughts those smiling nominees are actually thinking.


Alejandro Gutierrez and Patrick Serrano (Directors)
Jessica Hunt (Musical Director)


Beverlee Bailey, Anne Marie Joseph, Greg Landgraf, Meredith Melville, Remy O’Brien, Aaron Page, Megan Powell, Patrick Serrano, and Nelson Velazquez

Official Website: http://www.recapimprov.com

Added by dupac1901 on January 30, 2009