71-537 Highway 111 Suites L and M
Rancho Mirage, California 92270

A New American Tradition
Shop at a grocery store and you can feed yourself. Grow a garden and you can feed the community!
Our new mission is to create sustainable community. For years we have been collecting information from sources around the globe. As technology advanced, we had instant access to ideas and movements all around us. As Americans, we are the melting pot of all these ideas and processes. We spent a great deal of time and energy learning from those we perceived to be the masters of their art. Now is the moment we have been waiting for, and we are the people we have sought. We are the masters and we are being called in greater numbers to assist our fellow neighbors to prepare for uncertainty. There is no separation between us and we have all arrived at this portal together. As good fortune would have it, many of us have had the access to these multi disciplines and our tool boxes are full with assorted instruments for the minor adjustment, and yes, this has carried us forward to this precise moment in time.

What do we do with all of this education and information?

How do we combine these skills for the major renovation taking place on our planet?

How do we spread the word and network our service?

I believe it is a time to remember exactly who we are and to bring forth our own New American Tradition. To me this is the foundation of our country and our continued growth and survival. The time is now to move from an “I” culture into a community.
The question becomes:
How do I make the shift?
Giving up our ego-driven desires is the key factor to our common good.
In this class you will learn to understand the examination process and these are some of the questions that will be addressed.

What is my soul’s purpose for choosing to be here now at this time of upheaval and over turning of our planet?

How do I best serve as an instrument of change?

What are my passions?

What are my shadows that keep me locked in an ego driven model of manifestation?

How do we live every day present and ready for this experience that seems to live in the unknown?

How do I become part of community? What does this look like and what does it mean?

Three years ago, when spirit called my name, I was available for the call. At the time the mission sounded simple. That is the way with so many great ideas fed to us from spirit. However, once we walk through the doorway, the shadow of adversity becomes clear. For the first two years, it was a process of clean, clean, and clean. Slowly and steadily there was a process of taking full responsibility for my limited belief structures. The work was physically, mentally and spiritually a challenge. Through this process of shedding away all past ideas, it has become increasingly clear, that while the old tools were useful, they have become obsolete.
We are being required now to create new tools for transformation, that go beyond the healing of the I and the few, and come together in new combinations that promote the well-being of all; our family, our friends, our community, our nation, and consequently our neighboring countries. This is the task at hand, and I believe we are standing ready. Are you hearing the call?
Please join Renee for this talk, on how to create community through the use of your many gifts and tools. This class is designed to give you a basic overview of creating a life that is based in presence and abundance for us all.
Renee is the Founder and Director of the Healing Arts Center in Palm Desert, CA which is comprised of a consortium of businesses who stand together as one light in order to heal business and our world, and who wish to attract clients with a holistic approach to wellness and sustainable living. Renee also works as a shamanic coach, teacher, writer, chef, event planner, and gift wrapper for healers.
Renee has completed Light Body Training with the Four Winds Society, received rites of passage from the Quero Elders in Peru, and has integrated the DNA work of Margaret Ruby. Her strong belief in the power of prayer combined with earth-based traditions is the basis for her work and she has studied with many modern-day mystics. She works extensively with early childhood trauma, addictions, and food disorders. Her intuitive gift is the ability to uncover blocks that hide people’s true potential.

Evening will begin with a meditation by Izora
Cost $10.

Official Website: http://www.dancinglightschool.org

Added by Dr. Debra Savitt on April 9, 2009

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