6 Wayside Rd - Wayside Commons
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803

With the paperback release of “Brutal”, this event offers fans of Kevin Weeks and Phyllis Karas the opportunity to meet the authors in an intimate setting and be among the first to purchase a copy of the book and have it autographed.

About the Book: Offering the real inside scoop, Whitey Bulger's #2 man in Boston's Irish mob tells where the bodies are buried.
“I was brutally honest on the witness stand, and this book is brutally honest, too -- the brutal truth that was never before told. How could it? Only three people could tell the true story. With one on the run and one in jail for life, it falls on me.”

Official Website: http://www.bordersstores.com/stores/store_pg.jsp?storeID=251

Added by hmorse on April 8, 2007

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