2190 North Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89108

Southern Nevada Area Fantasy Fiction Union and Las Vegas Future Salon present:

Noted author and scientist Wil McCarthy will discuss the science that grounds his many novels and non-fiction books; in particular,
The Collapsium and Hacking Matter.

Wil McCarthy's website

Website for the Programmable Matter company

Free download of the 'Hacking Matter' book (2.26 MB, 212 pages)

Wil McCarthy will autograph books purchased at the event. He will also be available for a lengthy Q & A session after his presentation.

You can download a flyer promoting the event. Please feel free to print out copies and distribute them wherever fans might hang out.


Electronic devices are rapidly shrinking to the nanometer scale, where quantum mechanics dominates and particles become waves. Here, the distinction between chemistry, mechanics and electronics begins to blur. Case in point: the quantum dot, a device capable of trapping electrons in a space so small that they form "artificial atoms" whose size and shape and charge can be controlled in real time.

Historically, the properties of matter are determined at the time of manufacture, through careful mixing and processing. But now we find ourselves at the dawn of a new age, where substances exist whose optical, electrical, magnetic, and even mechanical properties can be adjusted at the flip of a bit.

In a 60-minute lecture (Q & A to follow), engineer, journalist, and best selling novelist, Wil McCarthy discusses the state of the art and explores the future social, technological, and science-fictional implications of this "Programmable Matter."


5:30pm - 6:00pm: Mix & mingle

6:00pm - 7pm: Presentation

7:00pm - 7:45pm: Q&A (flexible)

7:45pm - 830pm: Signing (flexible)

8:30pm - ??: Dinner with Wil

Added by webmaven on January 10, 2006

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