Author and Scholar Fred Moten Gives Public Lecture December 1
SFAI Fall 2006
Graduate Lecture Series
Lecture Hall
San Francisco Art Institute
800 Chestnut Street Campus
December 1, 2006, 5:00pm
free and open to the public
Fred Moten teaches in the American Studies and Ethnicity program at the University of Southern California and is the author of In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (University of Minnesota Press, 2003) and of two chapbooks, Arkansas (Pressed Wafer Press, 2000) and, with Jim Behrle, Poems (Pressed Wafer Press, 2002). He is currently working on a book, also to be published by University of Minnesota Press, called Stolen Life: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition II.
Official Website:
Added by nolaksd on November 8, 2006