It's not a secret anymore!
Adaptive Path, and the Aurora team, invite you to our offices for a screening of the Aurora Concept Video, along with sections that have not yet been released on the web. Watch the video here:
Join us to toast the launch of the project, talk with the project team, and see additional material before it is released to the public.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Official Website:
Added by rsmartx on July 29, 2008
damn, i'd love to come but have a class
congrats to the team from MN, I probably won't make it :)
Will be flying back to the Bay Area then; so bummed to miss it.
See you there!
Karl, how 'bout you show up when you have no class?
(sorry, had to jump at the chance to use a "Back to School" reference)
Seeing that we will be playing host to several AP-types next week, how about a Secret Launch Party North? Looking forward to "Project X".
If only the Secret Party were in New York, I'd be there. Will follow along from home!
I'm gonna try hitting this after the Obama is Your New Bicycle party.
thanks for the invite; i'll be there plus 1!
i am game - but will be in town later in the eve... how late will it go? will my pal becky ( be there?
I will be there :)
I wish I could get out to SF for the event; will be there a week later, so save some champagne... Will follow from home. Cheers!
I'll be there - can't wait!
I'll be out in SF, so I'll try to make it.
Will definitely come by !! Lookin forward to it !
I'll take a peep, but won't look too hard.
Don't want to sizzle the retina.
I'll take a peep, but won't look too hard.
Don't want to sizzle the retina.
I'll try and swing by.
In case you missed it, Upcoming was featured prominently in the second video:
Are you serious? A launch party for a concept video? I guess I should have thrown a lunach party for my master's thesis.
AP has jumped the shark...
Seriously, you're doing a dis-service to the profession by calling this a launch party.
your secret's safe with me